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Short Funny Birthday Jokes One Liners | Kids Jokes

Funny Birthday Jokes One Liners Kids,Funny Birthday Jokes For Kids,Short Birthday Jokes,Funny One Liner Jokes,Birthday One Liner Jokes,Kids Jokes.

1. Santa: Wh@t’$ The E@$!est W@y To Remember Ur W!fe'$ B!rthday ?

Banta: Forget !t Once.

2. Santa: Why D!d The Boy Feel W@rm On H!$ B!rthday ?

Banta: Bec@use People Kept To@$ting H!m.

3. Santa:  What’$ The Be$t W@y To Get @ M@n To Remember Ur Ann!versary ?

Banta: Get M@rr!ed On H!$ B!rthd@y.

4. A D!plomat !$ @ M@n Who Always$ Remember$ @ Woman’$ B!rthd@y But Never Remembers Her @ge.

5. Santa: Why Couldn’t Preh!$tor!c M@n $end B!rthday C@rd$ ?

Banta: The $tamp$ Kept F@ll!ng Off The Rock$.

6. Santa: Why Do V Put C@ndle$ On Top Of @ B!rthday C@ke ?

Banta: Bec@use !t’$ Too H@rd To Put Them On The Bottom.