Why are Men Impossible 2 please:
Why are Men Impossible 2 please:
If he calls you & ur phone is off, he thinks u’re cheating…. then he sends a sms saying “don’t tell me d battery story coz I know dat line :s ”
If u TREAT him nicely, he… says u r crowding him,:$ ; If u Don't, he says u r PROUD ;) .
If u DRESS NICELY, he says u r trying 2 LURE other men
If u DON'T, he says u r RURAL
If u ARGUE wid him, he says u r STUBBORN, too manly
If u keep QUIET, he says u hve no BRAINS, a walkover
If u r SMARTER dan him, u’re a SHOW-OFF; If he's SMARTER dan u, he is GREAT :p.
If u don't LOVE him, he tries 2 POSSESS u:&; If u LOVE him, He takes u 4 GRANTED :( (very true huh?)
If u don't MAKE LOVE 2 him, he says u DON'T LOVE him.. If u DO, he says u r taken:>... If u tell him ur PROBLEMS , he says u are TROUBLEsome-|; If u DON'T, he says u don't TRUST him
If u SCOLD him, u r treating him like a CHILD=D; If he SCOLDS u, it’s bcoz he CARES 4u. (pleaiiiiiiz)
If u BREAK ur promise, u cannot b TRUSTED..If he BREAKS his, it is circumstances beyond his CONTROL.(yea rite!)
If u SMOKE, u r a BAD girl:/; If he SMOKES, he is a GENTLEMAN
If u do WELL in ur career, it's LUCK=D If he does WELL, it’s definitely BRAINS
If u HURT him, u r CRUEL=D; If he HURTS u, u r too SENSITIVE8
HOW R WOMEN SUPPOSED 2 GET IT RIGHT8-| *nerd* :/ >:) ????????If u send dis 2 guys, dey ll swear dat it's not true....
moral of d story.......SEND THIS TO GUYS OUT THERE ANYWAY ....Send it to girls also, make them feel good, coz its freaking true! :p