

Teacher Can anyone give

Teacher: Can anyone give me an example of Coincidence? Johnny: Sir, my mother and father got married on the same day same time.


Teacher The people of

Teacher: The people of turkey are called Turks, now tell me what are the people of Germany called? Student: They are called Germs.


Teacher Tomorrow there will

Teacher :Tomorrow there will be a lecture on Sun. Everyone must attend it. Raju: I wont come, my mother will not allow me to go so far


Teacher Draw A Diagaram

Teacher: Draw A Diagaram Of Bacteria. Kid: Here It Is Sir. Teacher: Where? You Havent Drawn Anything Kid: Sir, Can you See Bacteria Without Microscope?


Birthday SMS For Sister In 140 Character | Birthday Wishes

Birthday SMS For Sister In 140 Character,New Birthday SMS For Sister In 140 Character,Birthday Wishes For Sister In Hindi,Birthday SMS For Sister In 140 Words.

Sug@ndh!t Ho Jeev@n Tumhar@,

T@ron K! Ch@mk $e Bhar@ Ho Jeev@n Tumh@ra,

$ubh D!n Yeh A@ye,A@pke Jeev@n Me!n H@z@r B@@r,

Or Hum A@pko !! J@nmd!n Mub@rk !! Kehte Rhe H@r B@r..


Cute Birthday Messages For Friend | New Birthday Message

Cute Birthday Messages For Friend,Birthday Messages For Friend,New Birthday Messages For Friend,Cute Birthday Messages,Latest Birthday Messages For Friend,Birthday Messages.

! Alw@y$ W!$he$ 4 @ $pec!@l Fr!end,

Who’d B Clo$e 2 My He@rt,

!t C@me True When ! Met U,

On Your $pec!@l D@y,

! W!$h 4 U,

M@y @ll Your Dre@m$, @nd

W!$hes Come$ True,

H@ve @ Very ..

***** H@ppy B!rthd@y *****


Birthday Wishes To Mom From Daughter,Son

Birthday Wishes To Mom From Daughter,Birthday Wishes To Mom,Birthday Wishes To Mom From Son,Birthday Wishes To Mom In Law,Birthday Wishes To Mom From Kids.

1. Hey Mom, On Your $ec!al D@y M@y The N!ce$t & $weete$t $urpr!$e$ Come Ur W@y$. H@PPY B!RTHD@Y W!TH LOT$ @ LOVE.

2. C@r!ng, Luv!ng,Wonderful,$upport!ve & Thoughtful U R @ll The$e @nd More. Here’$ W!$h!ng U @ B!rthd@y. Th@t’$ Ju$t @$ $pec!al @$ U R.. H@PPY BIRTHD@Y


160 Words Best Happy Birthday SMS

Best Happy Birthday SMS In 160 Words,Happy Birthday SMS In 160 Words,Birthday SMS In 160 Words,Free Birthday SMS In 160 Words,Best Happy Birthday SMS.

He@rt To He@rt T@lk$,

Wh!$per!ng Tho$e $weet Noth!ng$, &

Your $m!le$ Th@t $@y,

U Luv Me, $weethe@rt ! M $o H@ppy,

V Found E@ch Other,

***** H@PPY B!RTHD@Y MY LUV *****


Greeting SMS Messages For Birthday | Greetings

Greeting SMS Messages For Birthday,Greeting SMS For Birthday,Greeting SMS Messages,Birthday Greetings For Facebook,Birthday Greeting SMS Messages.

1. ! M@y Not B By Ur $!de, Celebr@t!ng Ur $pec!al D@y W!th U, But ! W@nt U 2 Know Th@t ! M Th!nk!ng Of U, & W!$h!ng U @ Wonderful B!rthd@y.

2. W!$h!ng U @ Very H@ppy B!rthd@y My Be$t Fr!end M@y Ur @ll W!4he$ Become$ True On Th!$ $pec!al D@y.

3. W!th E@ch Ye@r ! W!ll Luv U More, Remember Th@t Ur Be$t Ye@r$ R $t!ll @head Of U & ! W!ll B There 4 Every Up$, Down & !n Between.

4. B!rthd@y R $o $pec!al They Come But Once @ Ye@r 2 Let U$ $hower More Luv & C@re On Tho$e V Hold $o De@r.... H@ve @ Wonderful D@y.


Short Funny Birthday Jokes One Liners | Kids Jokes

Funny Birthday Jokes One Liners Kids,Funny Birthday Jokes For Kids,Short Birthday Jokes,Funny One Liner Jokes,Birthday One Liner Jokes,Kids Jokes.

1. Santa: Wh@t’$ The E@$!est W@y To Remember Ur W!fe'$ B!rthday ?

Banta: Forget !t Once.

2. Santa: Why D!d The Boy Feel W@rm On H!$ B!rthday ?

Banta: Bec@use People Kept To@$ting H!m.

3. Santa:  What’$ The Be$t W@y To Get @ M@n To Remember Ur Ann!versary ?

Banta: Get M@rr!ed On H!$ B!rthd@y.

4. A D!plomat !$ @ M@n Who Always$ Remember$ @ Woman’$ B!rthd@y But Never Remembers Her @ge.

5. Santa: Why Couldn’t Preh!$tor!c M@n $end B!rthday C@rd$ ?

Banta: The $tamp$ Kept F@ll!ng Off The Rock$.

6. Santa: Why Do V Put C@ndle$ On Top Of @ B!rthday C@ke ?

Banta: Bec@use !t’$ Too H@rd To Put Them On The Bottom.